We think in pictures.

Last night, one of my students was struggling with a few new words: attenuate, fulsome, and svelte. To help, I turned the word "attenuate" into a mnemonic involving the using 10 and 8, visually stretching them out in a picture to represent something weaker and thinner.

For "svelte," I found an image of a slim gentleman in a felt suit standing next to a long, tall, and seltzer bottle.

For "fulsome", I found a picture of a man sloppily scarfing down spaghetti, adding a fool’s cap (to link fool to FUL-some). These mnemonics really helped.

Some research worth of consideration: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/367266620_Improving_English_Vocabulary_Using_Visual_Mnemonic_Technique

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