Word Cartoon of the Day

Dr. Vocabulary’s Word Cartoons

Word Cartoon

of the Day

Who is Dr. Vocabulary?

Welcome to the world of Dr. Vocabulary, where learning meets fun! Dr. Vocabulary is a linguistic genius who has dedicated his life to expanding the horizons of language enthusiasts. Through his innovative approach, he has developed a remarkable set of playing cards that will captivate your imagination while enhancing your vocabulary.

Playing Cards

Dr. Vocabulary's Playing Cards effortlessly transitions between traditional play and educational use. With vibrant cartoon designs on each card, daily practice becomes both smart and enjoyable, promoting repeated exposure to key vocabulary words and contributing to the development of strong spelling skills.

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From our Blog

We think in pictures.

Last night, one of my students was struggling with a few new words: attenuate, fulsome, and svelte. To help, I turned the word "attenuate" into a mnemonic involving the using 10 and 8, visually stretching them out in a picture to represent something weaker and thinner. For "svelte," I found an image of a slim […]

Check out: Mnemonics and Their Effect on Students’ Vocabulary Memorization and Recall: A Quantitative Study

Lots of excellent research has been done that demonstrates the cogency of mnemonics for learning vocabulary. I highly suggest you check out this paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369515677_Mnemonics_and_Their_Effect_on_Students'_Vocabulary_Memorization_and_Recall_A_Quantitative_Study#:~:text=This%20research%20also%20revealed%20the,enthusiastic%20in%20memorizing%20English%20vocabulary.

Articles to check out on the effectiveness of mnemonics for learning vocabulary

1. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1342270#:~:text=Results%20collected%20from%20this%20experiment,native%20language%20and%20target%20language. 2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331966738_The_Effects_of_Mnemonic_Vocabulary_Instruction_on_Content_Vocabulary_Learning_of_Students 3. https://repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/3719/1/INA%20ROSDIANA-FITK.pdf 4. https://rdw.rowan.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3569&context=etd 5. https://repository.iainpare.ac.id/id/eprint/1449/1/15.1300.131.pdf 6. https://latinjournal.org/index.php/gist/article/view/1042 7. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.783898/full 8. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/296307166.pdf 9. file:///Users/drvocabulary/Downloads/125941379.pdf 10. https://mjltm.org/article-1-219-en.pdf

Some Words

Some word a more difficult to mnemonicize. For instance, conventional. Now, I would think to myself: "convent," a place where nuns live, but then how would I relate that to the word conventional? What is conventional about a convent? Perhaps, when dealing with words like this, it would be wise to compare. In this case, […]

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